Ok, we are on day 6 of Easter break. Only four more to go! How is it going? Well, think about the volcanoes that you made for the elementary science fair, well double the ingredients, put  an air tight lid on your volcano, shake it up and see what happens. That has been my house over the last 48 hours. I am sure all you moms know what I am talking about. Before the break begins we are so excited about the break, and half way through you are waiting for next Monday to come. All of the plans for baking and getting the house finished, and all of the family time, well, lets just say that nothing has been checked off. But on the flip side, my kids have eaten enough sugar to last the rest of their life, we have all put on about five pounds apiece and wont have to eat again for a year, and we are out of money because of all the trips to Dairy Queen. So all in all, I think it has been a productive vacation so far. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined how much food four kids and their friends could consume. Don't know how many more vacations my bank account can handle this year, oh that's right we have a three month long one coming up. Well I better call the bank and put a mortgage on the house to pay for groceries.

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