So, it has been a little while since I have updated this blog. I usually try to take a light-hearted spin on things here, but dont really know how to do it in this instance. This have been relly bumpy here, and we are now on our own. Amazingly though, the kids are all taking it great! They are really happy and adjusting very well. I am sure that very soon I will be back to my goofy ways, but they have to be put on a shelf for the time being. As with any big changes and special needs children, this wont always be a smooth ride, but it is one that is necessary right now. I know that my kids are stong and that they will get thru this. I just hope things keep going as smoothly for them as they have. that is all for now. 
Ok, we are on day 6 of Easter break. Only four more to go! How is it going? Well, think about the volcanoes that you made for the elementary science fair, well double the ingredients, put  an air tight lid on your volcano, shake it up and see what happens. That has been my house over the last 48 hours. I am sure all you moms know what I am talking about. Before the break begins we are so excited about the break, and half way through you are waiting for next Monday to come. All of the plans for baking and getting the house finished, and all of the family time, well, lets just say that nothing has been checked off. But on the flip side, my kids have eaten enough sugar to last the rest of their life, we have all put on about five pounds apiece and wont have to eat again for a year, and we are out of money because of all the trips to Dairy Queen. So all in all, I think it has been a productive vacation so far. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever imagined how much food four kids and their friends could consume. Don't know how many more vacations my bank account can handle this year, oh that's right we have a three month long one coming up. Well I better call the bank and put a mortgage on the house to pay for groceries.
    Ok, so maybe that is a little of a stretch, but how would you feel if you couldn't do anything online. That is what I had to go through the last few weeks. Ok, so maybe even that is too much, but it felt like it. It all started a few weeks ago when our wonderful dog Dino discovered that he liked coffee. This was not on purpose, but being a puppy he has to taste anything that he sees as edible. Sometimes this works, like the bacon fat I put in his dish. Sometimes it doesn't go as well, like the pipe cleaner that he tried to eat. This time he decided to jump up on my computer chair while I was in the other room and taste my coffee. Apparently he like it because he then tried to fit his whole nose into the mug and dumped it all over our keyboard. Needless to say I was not a happy mommy when I saw what happened, and no matter what anyone tells you, coffee ruins a key board. That was the day my online social life died, but today I am reborn. Yeah, maybe I am being a little dramatic. I mean, I could use my tablet, but have you ever tried to write a blog from a touch screen? But you see, I am allowed to. After all, this is my blog. So now that I am reborn in the online world I am going to celebrate by going everywhere I haven't been able to. Yes that means exactly what you think. I am going to go look up some good recipe's. You thought I was going to say something else didn't you. Tisk tisk tisk, don't you know me by now. Well off to see what the world has to offer in line of cookies.
Ok, so I know that I have already blogged a few times, but I am changing things up a little here :). Hey, it's my blog and I can change it if I want to. I have added pages to my website for each of my kids to kind of organize the different "specialties" each of them has! I am honestly the luckiest mom in the world. I know you think you are, but that is just because your are mislead. There is nothing wrong with that. Remember, Columbus thought he was going to Asia and because he was mislead he found a new country. So don't be disapointed that your kids aren't as great as mine, you too might discover a new world. My children are from youngest to oldest: Becca the artist, Christian the architect, Teresa the singer, nd Petra the genius. No these are not their occupations, but since their ages range from 8-12 I am trying to put subliminal messages in their heads. It is never to early to start pushing them the way we want then to go. I am mom after all and I am allowed to dream aren't I? So this is the way things are going to go on here from today on. I will post all of the useful things on my website and my blog will be kind of like a secret vew inside my head. Now don't worry, I promise it will always be rated G, and not too scary (well atleast I hope not). I cannot guarentee for the sanity of it though, but are any of us trully sane? A very wise woman once told me that it is not the people who know that they are insane that you have to worry about, it is the ones who have no clue. With that being said, you have nothing to worry about with me. I am as crazy as they come and I will probabally prove it over and over. So over and out for tonight.
My youngest daughter is my fave 8 year old in the world! When she was a baby she didn't sleep (and I mean that litterally) so I guess we got closer by all those nights when it was just her and I. It wasnt untill she was three and I got sick from being exhausted, that the Dr. believed me. From a very young age, we knew there was something else different about her. She didn't talk, connect with people, and it seemed that she couldn't hear anything except sharp noises. To get her attention, we had to blow a high pitched whistle. The Dr. was sure at this point that she was deaf. While we didn't think this was it, we went along with all of the testing, just to show that she had perfect hearing. She was sent to a developmental pediatrician, who immediatly knew what was going on. She put her on some meds and got her enrolled into a special ed preschool. Every day since then is amazing to us the progress she makes. She is now the most loving, fun filled, 8 year old. Yes, she still has trials, and some days are better than others, but I wouldn't trade her for the world! Oh yeah, she was diagnosed with NOS-PDD. This is a fancy was of saying that she is delayed, but noone knows shy (got to love Dr.s and diagnosis) Her school is reevaluating her this year to see what they cah figure out, I will befinately keep you updated.
So, as promised, I am introducing my son today. At first glance he seems like every other normal healthy 10yr. old boy. In many ways he is, but in many ways he isn't. When he was a little boy, we noticed how smart he was. He would sit down with a box of legos and come out with these amazing buildings, vehicles, ect.. all without any instructions. But we also noticed something else. If things got "out of the ordinary" any little bit, he would completely melt down. This would happen even if it was a good change. His room from the time he could walk, was always spotless. He hated messes, would change his clothes multiple times a day. He would freak out if anything touched his skin. Many people kept telling us that he was just spoiled because he was the only boy with three sisters. I knew this wasn't the case though. I didn't realize how bad it was though till one day his preschool called and asked me if I could prepare my son for the fire drill that was going to take place the next day. It didn't take long for us to figure out that we were going to have to get much stricter (more strict?) about our scedules. At about 7 years old, after he was in school long enough for them to get to notice how he was, they tested and diagnosed him with ADHD, OCD, and aspergers. Now at 10, we have discovered that he is gluten intolerant, and has scoliosis. I probabally should add that he was a premie and was born with weak lungs. He has had severe asthma ever since. But little by little we are figuring out how to make the best of everything. 
This is my first blog ever! Please bear with me as I figure this all out. I am a mother of four great children. I will be introducing them one by one as time goes by. There will be stories of funny things they have done or said. Also I will tell serious stories that I hope can help others. Hopefully everyone will feel free to also share stories, advice, questions, even pictures of their children with "special needs". We moved, over 2,000 miles away from everyone and everything we knew, a year ago. This itself has added many things for me to blog about. I am hoping to have fun with this and shed some light on how being a caregiver can be as fun and as rewarding as it is a learning experience. All of this that I wouldn't change for the world!