Ok, so maybe that is a little of a stretch, but how would you feel if you couldn't do anything online. That is what I had to go through the last few weeks. Ok, so maybe even that is too much, but it felt like it. It all started a few weeks ago when our wonderful dog Dino discovered that he liked coffee. This was not on purpose, but being a puppy he has to taste anything that he sees as edible. Sometimes this works, like the bacon fat I put in his dish. Sometimes it doesn't go as well, like the pipe cleaner that he tried to eat. This time he decided to jump up on my computer chair while I was in the other room and taste my coffee. Apparently he like it because he then tried to fit his whole nose into the mug and dumped it all over our keyboard. Needless to say I was not a happy mommy when I saw what happened, and no matter what anyone tells you, coffee ruins a key board. That was the day my online social life died, but today I am reborn. Yeah, maybe I am being a little dramatic. I mean, I could use my tablet, but have you ever tried to write a blog from a touch screen? But you see, I am allowed to. After all, this is my blog. So now that I am reborn in the online world I am going to celebrate by going everywhere I haven't been able to. Yes that means exactly what you think. I am going to go look up some good recipe's. You thought I was going to say something else didn't you. Tisk tisk tisk, don't you know me by now. Well off to see what the world has to offer in line of cookies.

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