Ok, so I know that I have already blogged a few times, but I am changing things up a little here :). Hey, it's my blog and I can change it if I want to. I have added pages to my website for each of my kids to kind of organize the different "specialties" each of them has! I am honestly the luckiest mom in the world. I know you think you are, but that is just because your are mislead. There is nothing wrong with that. Remember, Columbus thought he was going to Asia and because he was mislead he found a new country. So don't be disapointed that your kids aren't as great as mine, you too might discover a new world. My children are from youngest to oldest: Becca the artist, Christian the architect, Teresa the singer, nd Petra the genius. No these are not their occupations, but since their ages range from 8-12 I am trying to put subliminal messages in their heads. It is never to early to start pushing them the way we want then to go. I am mom after all and I am allowed to dream aren't I? So this is the way things are going to go on here from today on. I will post all of the useful things on my website and my blog will be kind of like a secret vew inside my head. Now don't worry, I promise it will always be rated G, and not too scary (well atleast I hope not). I cannot guarentee for the sanity of it though, but are any of us trully sane? A very wise woman once told me that it is not the people who know that they are insane that you have to worry about, it is the ones who have no clue. With that being said, you have nothing to worry about with me. I am as crazy as they come and I will probabally prove it over and over. So over and out for tonight.

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