So, as promised, I am introducing my son today. At first glance he seems like every other normal healthy 10yr. old boy. In many ways he is, but in many ways he isn't. When he was a little boy, we noticed how smart he was. He would sit down with a box of legos and come out with these amazing buildings, vehicles, ect.. all without any instructions. But we also noticed something else. If things got "out of the ordinary" any little bit, he would completely melt down. This would happen even if it was a good change. His room from the time he could walk, was always spotless. He hated messes, would change his clothes multiple times a day. He would freak out if anything touched his skin. Many people kept telling us that he was just spoiled because he was the only boy with three sisters. I knew this wasn't the case though. I didn't realize how bad it was though till one day his preschool called and asked me if I could prepare my son for the fire drill that was going to take place the next day. It didn't take long for us to figure out that we were going to have to get much stricter (more strict?) about our scedules. At about 7 years old, after he was in school long enough for them to get to notice how he was, they tested and diagnosed him with ADHD, OCD, and aspergers. Now at 10, we have discovered that he is gluten intolerant, and has scoliosis. I probabally should add that he was a premie and was born with weak lungs. He has had severe asthma ever since. But little by little we are figuring out how to make the best of everything. 

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